
Top 10 list Week 08

  1. CPU Scheduling
    Cpu scheduling is a process of choosing which process will have the CPU for execution all while another process stays on hold. The process of selection is done by the CPU scheduler. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know why CPU scheduling is needed. I chose this website because it is uses a simple language so it’s easy to understand.

  2. Process Scheduling
    Process scheduling is a task that does the removal of the running process from the CPU. Further more, it does the selection of another process using the appropriate strategy. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know what process scheduling is for. I chose this website because it is uses a simple language so it’s easy to understand and has a diagram.

  3. Preemptive Scheduling
    Preemptive scheduling is when a process changes from running/waiting state to ready state. CPU cycles are allocated to the process for the limited amount of time. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know what preemptive scheduling is. I chose this website because it is uses a simple language so it’s easy to understand, has comparisons and tables.

  4. Non-Preemptive Scheduling
    Preemptive scheduling is when a process ends/terminates, or a process switches from running to waiting state. It waits until the CPU burst time is completed, then allocates the CPU to another process.I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know what non-preemptive scheduling is. I chose this website because it is uses a simple language and is straightforward.

  5. Multiple process scheduling
    Multiple process scheduling is the process of scheduling for a system with has more than one processors. It enables load sharing as it has multiple processors, but scheduling becomes more complex. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know when multiple process scheduling is done. I chose this website because it is uses a simple language.

  6. Scheduler vs Dispatcher
    Scheduler selects one process from several choices of processes that are to be executed. Dispatcher allocates the CPU for the one process that has been chosen by the scheduler. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know whow scheduler and dispatcher relate and differ. I chose this website because it is straight forward.

  7. Shortest Job First (SJF)
    SFJ is an algorithm where a process with the least execution time is chosen for the execution after that. The scheduling type could be preemptive or nonpreempive. It is used to reduce waiting time. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know the advantages of SJF. I chose this website because it explains with characteristics.

  8. First Come First Serve (FCFS)
    FCFS is a scheduling algorithm that executes the process in order. The first process in the queue gets to be the first to be executed. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know how FCFS differs from SJF. I chose this website because it explains with examples.

  9. Hard and Soft real time system
    In hard real time, hard response time is needed, and the integrity of datas are short term, with the sizes of data files being small. In soft real time, soft response time is needed, the integrity of datas are long term, and the size of data files are large. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know what real time system is and how hard and soft real time differ. I chose this website because it explains with tables.

  10. Thread scheduling
    Thread scheduling has two boundary scheduling. One is user level threads to kernel level by an application developer. The other is scheduling a kernel level thread system scheduler so that it could perform OS functions. I chose this topic for my top 10 because I would like to know how thread scheduling is done. I chose this website because it explains with analogies.